Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Let's Seize the Moment

While the facts now indicate that the Tucson tragedy was not the direct result of overly heated political rhetoric, let's continue to seize the moment and tone it down. Let's discuss matters civilly among ourselves, including those with whom we disagree. Let us show respect for differing opinions and let us not demonize those with whom we disagree. Congressional members set a good example by sitting together with opposites resulting in a more orderly and civil presentation of our nation's condition. They disagree on issues, not on the worth and humanity of their opposites. Let their example permeate the political discourse and let us discuss and disagree civilly and respectfully. Those whose opinions differ from ours may be our adversaries, but they are not our enemies. They are our family, friends, and neighbors.

Also, we should take this opportunity to be more mindful of the needs of those around us. We need to occasionally leave our comfort zones to come to the aide of those who are asking for help and we should not ignore their subtle pleas. We all live in the same society and in order for that society to succeed, we need to be aware that we are not alone and that at times we may need to become proactive in aiding a person in need.

As Rodney King asked so succinctly and eloquently some years back "can't we all just get along?" I hope so, and I believe we will, if we all do our part.

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